Camp Ahwaga is a non-profit summer educational and recreational day program designed for children with disabilities of Tioga County, New York. We accept children ages 4-21 with physical, mental, and/or emotional disabilities. We also provide a year-round recreational program with monthly activities.

  • Serviced 86 children with disabilities in Tioga County.
  • Provided speech, occupational and physical therapies.
  • Campers were able to swim in the Greater Owego Community Pool twice a week.
  • Attended field trips to Cinema Saver, Broome County Fair (special kids day), Ithaca
  • science Center, Owego Gymnastics and Activity Center, and Ice Cream Works!
  • Had 23 teenagers from various high schools volunteer over 2,700 hours.
  • At the end of the summer a survey is sent to all parents. The parents expressed their gratitude for the services we provided.  Comments included “My son is the square peg trying to be forced into the round hole at school so to have a place that excites him about learning and accepts him for who he is, what a blessing”, “My daughter loves going there she has made much improvement and has made many friends”, and “He was excited to go each day and was not happy when we were not around for camp.”